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** Sign indicates graduate student as a co-author.
**Safi, O. A. & Erdem, G. The cultural self-construals and the romantic relationship experiences of Turkish young adults. International Journal of Systemic Therapy (Special Issue - Family Therapy around the World: Turkey Part II), 35(1), 108-126. doi: 10.1080/2692398X.2023.2224716
Erdem, G., DuBois, D. L., Larose, S., De Wit, D. J., & Lipman, E. L. (2024). Associations of youth mentoring with parent emotional well-being and family functioning: Longitudinal findings from a study of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada. Children and Youth Services Review, 156(1), 107384. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107384
Erdem, G., **Yücesoy, Z. B. & Ersayan, A. E. (2024). Close relationships of incarcerated youth: Perspectives of inmates and prison staff. Children and Youth Services Review, 156(1), 107286. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107286
**Taşkın-Sayıl, D. & Erdem, G. An examination of different types of parental control on the well-being of Turkish emerging adults. Family Relations, 72(5), 2833-2851 doi: 10.1111/fare.12851.
**Eyisoylu, E. & Erdem, G. Adverse childhood experiences and romantic relationship satisfaction of Turkish emerging adults: The role of dyadic coping. International Journal of Systemic Therapy (Special Issue - Family Therapy around the World: Turkey Part I). 34(4), 333-358. doi: 10.1080/2692398X.2023.2229712
**Carrese-Chacra, E., **Hollett, K., Erdem, G., Miller, S., & Gouin, J. P. Longitudinal effects of pandemic stressors and dyadic coping on relationship satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic. Family Relations, 72(3),645–664. doi: 10.1111/fare.12885
**Güvensoy, İ. & Erdem, G. The effects of ideal standards and parental approval on mate selection among emerging adults. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 40(1), 174-200. doi: 10.1177/02654075221114029
**Ozkok, H., **Tatar-Ozkum, B. H., **Ayyıldız, T. N., Eskin, M., Erdem, G., & Turan, B. To blame or not to blame: The role of belief in free will in substance use and suicide stigma. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. doi: 10.1007/s11469-022-00755-8
Erdem, G., **Adlı-Işleyen, M., **Baltalarlı, N., & **Kılıç, E. Low-income Turkish mothers' conceptions and experiences of family life. Frontiers in Psychology: Cultural Psychology, 12, 1-13. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.756278
**Ersayan, A. E., Çankaya, B., Erdem, G., Broers, N. J., & de Ruiter, C. The link between attitudes toward probationers and job burnout in Turkish probation officers. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(2), 727-741. doi: 10.1002/jcop.22673
Hussong, A., Benner, A. D., Erdem, G., Lansford, J., Leonida, M., & Petrie, R. C. (2021). Adolescence amid a pandemic: Short- and long-term implications. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 31(3), 820-835. doi: 10.1111/jora.12671
Zeytinoğlu-Saydam, S., Erdem, G., & Söylemez, Y. Psychometric properties of the Brief Accessibility, Responsiveness, and Engagement Scale in a community sample of Turkish adults. Family Relations, 70, 557-574.doi: 10.1111/fare.12446
Tuncer, A. E., Erdem, G., & de Ruiter, C. The impact of a brief RNR-based training on Turkish juvenile probation officers’ punitive and rehabilitative attitudes and recidivism risk perceptions. Journal of Community Psychology, 48, 921-931. doi: 10.1002/jcop.22310
De Wit, D. J., DuBois, D. L., Erdem, G., Larose, S., & Lipman, E. L. Predictors of mentoring relationship quality: Investigation from the perspectives of youth and parent participants in Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada one-to-one mentoring programs. Journal of Community Psychology, 48, 192-208. doi: 10.1002/jcop.22244
Erdem, G. Protective factors for alcohol abuse among college students: A Contextual perspective (in Turkish Üniversite öğrencilerinde alkol kullanımını yordayan koruyucu etkenlerin Bağlamsal Kuram üzerinden araştırılması). Turkish Journal of Psychology, 34, 21-35. doi: 10.31828/tpd1300443320180807m000008
Erdem, G., Tuncer, A. E., Safi, O. A., Çankaya, B., Ergin, M., & Aydoğan, R. Professional experiences and training needs of probation officers in Turkey. Journal of Social Work, 19, 664-686. doi: 10.1177/1468017318768181
Erdem, G. & Safi, O. A. (2018). A cultural lens approach to Bowen family systems theory: Contributions of family change theory. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 10, 469-483. doi: 10.1111/jftr.12258
Lipman, E. L., De Wit, D., DuBois, D. L., Larose, S., & Erdem, G. (2018). Youth with chronic health problems: How do they fare in mainstream mentoring programs? BMC Public Health, 18, 102-111. doi: 10.1186/s12889-017-5003-3
Larose, S., Boisclair-Châteauvert, G., De Wit, D. J., DuBois, D. L., Erdem, G., & Lipman, E. L. How mentor support interacts with mother and teacher support in predicting youth academic adjustment: An investigation among youth exposed to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada programs. Journal of Primary Prevention, 39, 205-228. doi: 10.1007/s10935-018-0509-8
Erdem, G., DuBois, D. L., Larose, S., De Wit, D. J., & Lipman, E. L. Mentoring relationships, positive development, and emotional and behavioral problems among youth: Investigation of a mediational model. Journal of Community Psychology, 44, 464–483. doi: 10.1002/jcop.21782
De Wit, D. J., DuBois, D. L., Erdem, G., Larose, S., & Lipman, E. L. The role of program supported mentoring relationships in promoting youth mental health behavioral and developmental outcomes. Prevention Science, 17, 646-657. doi:10.1007/s11121-016-0663-2
De Wit, D. J., DuBois, D. L., Erdem, G., Larose, S., Lipman, E. L., & Spencer, R. Mentoring relationship closures in Big Brothers Big Sisters community mentoring programs: Patterns and associated risk factors. American Journal of Community Psychology, 57, 60-72. doi: 10.1002/ajcp.12023
Glassman, M. & Erdem, G. Participatory action research and its meanings: Vivencia, praxis, and conscientization. Adult Education Quarterly, 64, 206-221. doi: 10.1177/0741713614523667
Slesnick, N. & Erdem, G. Efficacy of ecologically-based treatment with substance-abusing homeless mothers: Substance use and housing outcomes. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 45, 416-425. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2013.05.008
Slesnick, N., Erdem, G., Bartle-Haring, S., & Brigham, G. Intervention with substance abusing runaway adolescents and their families: Results of a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 81, 600-614. doi: 10.1037/a0033463
Glassman, M., Erdem, G., & Bartholomew, M. Action research and its history as an adult education movement for social change. Adult Education Quarterly, 63, 272-288. doi: 10.1177/0741713612471418
Dashora, P., Slesnick, N., & Erdem, G. “Understand my side, my situation, and my story:” Insights into the service needs among substance-abusing homeless mothers. Journal of Community Psychology, 40, 938-950. doi: 10.1002/jcop.21499
Slesnick, N. & Erdem, G. Intervention for homeless, substance abusing mothers: Findings from a non-randomized pilot. Behavioral Medicine, 38, 36-48. doi:10.1080/08964289.2012.657724
Bartle-Haring, S., Slesnick, N., Collins, J., Erdem, G., & Buettner, C. The utility of mentoring homeless youth: A pilot study. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 38, 350-358. doi:10.3109/00952990.2011.643985
Bantchevska, D., Erdem, G., Garren, R., Veneskey, J., Letcher, A., Bonomi, A. E., & Slesnick, N. Predictors of drop-in center attendance among homeless adolescents. Social Work Research, 35, 58-63. doi: 10.1093/swr/35.1.58
Dashora, P., Erdem, G., & Slesnick, N. Better to bend than to break: Coping strategies utilized by substance abusing homeless youth. Journal of Health Psychology, 16, 158–168. doi: 10.1177/1359105310378385
Slesnick, N., Erdem, G., Collins, J., Bantchevska, D., & Katafiasz, H. Predictors of treatment attendance among adolescent substance abusing runaways: A comparison of family and individual therapy modalities. Journal of Family Therapy, 33, 66–84. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6427.2010.00530.x
Erdem, G., & Slesnick, N. That which does not kill you makes you stronger: Runaway youth’s resilience to depression in the family context. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 80, 195-203. doi: 10.1111/j.1939-0025.2010.01023.x
Slesnick, N., Erdem, G., Collins, J., Patton, R., & Buettner, C. Prevalence of intimate partner violence reported by homeless youth in Columbus, Ohio. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 25, 1579–1593. doi: 10.1177/0886260509354590
Glassman, M., Karno, D., & Erdem, G. The problems and barriers of RHYA as social policy. Children and Youth Services Review, 32, 798–806. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2010.01.017
Slesnick, N., Bartle-Haring, S., Erdem, G., Budde, H., Letcher, A., Bantchevska, D., & Patton, R. Troubled parents, motivated adolescents: Predicting motivation to change substance use among runaways. Addictive Behaviors, 34, 675–684. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2009.04.
Slesnick, N., Dashora, P., Letcher, A., Erdem, G., & Serovich, J. A review of services and interventions for runaway and homeless youth: Moving forward. Children and Youth Services Review, 31, 732–742. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2009.01.006
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