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Our peer-reviewed work published as proceedings & reports or manuals



Erdem, G., Ersayan, E., & Evci, H. L. Metris Project Research Report: focus groups, survey and program evaluation findings. Ministry of Justice, Department of Corrections, Turkey.

Tuncer, E. A. & Erdem, G. Training manual for clinical interviewing and engagement skills. UNICEF DENGE Project Trainer Manual for Juvenile Probation Officers, Ankara, Turkey.

Erdem, G., Kocalar, D., Tuncer, E. A., Işık, R.  Supervision report for UNICEF DENGE Project Probation Officer Train the Trainer Model.

Evci, H. L., Tuncer, E. A., Erdem, G., Kocalar, D., Işık, R. Needs assessment in juvenile probation: UNICEF DENGE Project report (unpublished report of youth and officer focus groups findings).



Erdem, G. & Kaufman, M. R. Mentoring for preventing and reducing substance use and associated risks among youth. OJJDP Evidence based Program Review, National Mentoring Resource Center, Chicago, IL. 


Erdem, G. & Safi, O. A. Bowen's Family Systems Theory from a Cultural Perspective. NCFR Theory Construction and Research Methods Workshop Series.



Akbas, S., Kuscu, K., Yantac, A. E., Erdem, G., Semsioglu, S., Gurkan, O., ... & Eskenazi, T. Qualitative Dimensions of Technology-Mediated Reflective Learning: The Case of VR Experience of Psychosis. Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 1-10. 



Harris, S. K., Sherritt, L., Grubb, L., Samuels, R., Silva, T., Vernacchio, L., Wornham, W., Erdem, G., & Knight, J. R. Practical tools to support adolescent substance abuse prevention in primary care: A multi-site randomized controlled trials of cumputer-facilitated screening and provider brief advice in the medical office. Journal of Adolescent Health, 62, 12. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2017.11.027 


Erdem, G. Protective factors of alcohol abuse among college students: Volunteering, relational ethics and social competence (In Turkish: Gençlerde alkol kullanımını yordamlayan koruyucu faktörler: Gönüllülük, ilişkisel etik ve sosyal becerilerin rolü). Contemporary Addiction Studies, 1, 40.


Kaplanhan, T., Erdem, G., & Bikmaz, S. Addiction severity among adults seeking substance abuse treatment (In Turkish: Yatarak tedavi gören alkol / madde bağımlısı hastalarda bağımlılık özellikleri ve şiddetinin incelenmesi), Contemporary Addiction Studies, 1, 97.


Erdem, G., Tuncer, E., Çankaya, B., & Ergin, M. (2017). Program evaluation of a brief training intervention for probation officers in İstanbul (In Turkish: İstanbul denetimli serbestlik memurlarına yönelik geliştirilen eğitim programının etki değerlendirmesi).  Contemporary Addiction Studies, 1, 98.



Erdem, G. Systemic orientation in psychotherapy. Chapter to be published in Clinical Psychology (textbook). Editors: Mehmet Eskin, Çiğdem Dereboy, and Nuray Karancı. Turkish Association of Psychology Publications. [In Turkish: Sistemik Psikoterapiler]


Erdem, G. From crime and punishment to empathy and acceptance: Family therapy training and supervision with Turkish juvenile probation officers. Chapter published in Family Therapy Supervision in Extraordinary Settings. Editors:  Laurie L. Charles & Thorana Nelson. Routledge.

©2025 by Risk Resilience & Relationships Research Lab

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